
Tenure Conclusion

Overall tenure is an ineffective way to push the educational system forward. Although there are many beneficial advantages to tenure, the disadvantages out weights the advantages. Ultimately many solely see the security of jobs rather than the moving forward of education and the impact it would have on the world. If students aren’t giving modernized views on education it would only be a set back to society.


Racial Inequality In Employment

In order to fix the problem of racial inequality in employment, we need to have an after graduate program for minorities to help them get a job after graduating, to create an immediate connection between students and employer that guarantees employment. Colleges will be giving the responsibility to create the connection that will lead to the employment of minorities. Colleges will be responsible for inviting companies that are invested in hiring minorities. Our program will be effective because it will create a mutual connection between employer and graduates. Affirmative action will not work because companies use private recruiters who do not care for the diversity in the company, with creating the connection between colleges and employers it will increase the diversity.

Edgar, Vaneza, Nikolai & Fiord


Gentrification in New York City

Gentrification a system where people are being pushed out of their homes due to such high spikes in rent. Due to the rezoning, the major of New York is making it mandatory that when developers due create new buildings, they have to make sure that they’re apartments is resourceful for low income or middle class families. This article makes me want to look into more personal stories and the progress in which the New York city government is helping to decrease Gentrification and the pushing out of family that has lived in those neighborhoods for so long.  This source is credible because it is writing by Journalist which makes it credible and non-bias. gentrification.html


Scientist people believe that drug addiction is an chemical imbalance in the brain, that is cause by people selfish. New evidence has shown that the reason for this rise of drug addiction is based on the environment and circumstances drug addicts are put into. Some use drugs for emotional stability and a way to enhance their ability whilst some use it for physical guidance with pain.

One of the many ways people use drugs is for emotional dependence based on their feelings of loneliness or escape from the realities of the world. Szalavitz (2016)  writes “Heroin provides a sense of comfort, safety and love”(ph. ). Szalavitz highlights the fact that heroin is a coping mechanism for the emotions that is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. To be in a constant state of feeling alone, not comfortable, and unloved is to drive someone to the brinks of insanity. Heroin is used almost like how people use chocolate or alcohol as a sense of cheering up when feeling down. Szalavitz highlights this idea by stating “People with addiction just need to learn how to redirect it”(2016, ph.  ). She highlights that yes drug addiction is a disease and that peop


This body paragraph is terrible. 🙂


Lack of Funding for drug clinics

Drug addiction has increased in the United States but rehabilitation assistance and help has not. Most politicians don’t view drug addiction as an illness rather they view it as a self driving choice.  The article “Inside a killer Drug Epidemic: A look at America’s Opioid Crisis” (2017) highlight the lack of funding in Utah, Salt lake city. “People call every day and say, ‘Do you have an opening?’” Ms. Dolan said. “We don’t have any money to pay for medication-assisted treatment, and we don’t have prescribes to provide treatment.” (79) Also addressed in “On the campaign trail in NH, heart break over heroin addiction”(2016) There are treatment available the epidemic has become so big that there is usually a waiting list or the organization isn’t funded enough which leads to the death of addicts due to the fact that they can’t get help.(PBS,25-28) With the views of how people are dealing with this epidemic it is clear that some thing needs be done. The idea of drug addiction needs to be highlighted and taking more seriously. Every year the drug epidemic increases and it is pushed to the back end of health investments. Drug addiction isn’t viewed as a disease it is viewed a self driving choice and it is unfair that evidence has shown how much it has effected people lives and nothing is being done.


Benefits of dispensing drugs

The above link is written by an writer called Echo Montgomery Garrett. She is a well accomplished author who has writing several pieces for the New York times, women magazines and business magazine. She also spent 30 plus years in journalism.

In this article Echo Montgomery Garret highlights the benefits that doctors have on dispensing drugs to their patients. The profits way more from dispensing drugs to their patient due to contract with the drug company. Although in many cases doctors are not authorize to dispense drugs directly they’ve managed to find a loop hole were they can dispense the drug for only 72 hours and benefit way more than the pharmacists.




The writer of Chasing the Scream highlights the correlation between drug use, mental conditions and loneliness.  The writer highlights the experimentation done by Bruce and Gabor on rats. The experiment concluded one’s reasoning as humans to use drugs. The results showed that rats were most likely to use drugs when they were alone in comparison to when they were with other rats. “There was nothing for them to do but to take drugs” said the experimenter while also stating “An isolated rat will almost always be a junkie.” Bruce and Gabor experiment highlighted the idea of rats not having anything else to turn to other than drugs. The experiment also highlighted how crucial mental conditions had on drug use. ” Miserable people will seek altered mental states to numb the pain” while also stating “Humans seem to have evolved with a deep need to bond, because it was absolutely essential to staying alive.” This overall showed the linkage between drug use and ones mental condition. The experiment highlighted the fact that us as human being needs to feel a bond in order to be secure. Most of the people who were addicted to drugs felt alone. The people who were addicted essentially just wanted an idea of self and connection. They connected with something that was essential stable, they could do drugs when they wanted and not be disappointed because it was always something the could have purchased or stolen. The chapter essentially highlighted that when not lonely people turned to drugs as an escape from reality.



Jamila Lyiscottt in “3 ways to speak English” highlights the depths of how her different ways of speaking, effect’s people’s views of her. “But do not judge by my language and assume that I’m ignorant to teach cause I speak three tongues.” She correlates the idea of her “three tongues” to the idea of people assuming that because she has many ways of speaking English she is unable to teach in a professional setting. She highlights the idea of people having a predispose-notion of when you speak three English’s your non-intellectual. Jamila highlights the ways she speaks three different English’s and the languages as borrowed.She goes on to say “I know I had to borrow your language because mines was stolen from me,” she ties her different ways of speaking to the history of oppression and addresses that she chooses to treat each English as equals. She highlight’s how she chooses to carry history in the ways in which she speaks her accented English’s by stating “Cause I speak three tongues, one for each home,school, friends,” she goes on to say how she is able to to fluently address people in different settings. Her talk was based on how the English language should be multifaceted and articulation should not be based on one way of speaking.






Idea of Empathy and Its Values

Fiord Francisco
30 January, Monday 2017
English 121
Professor: DW
Idea of Empathy and Its Value
There are many idea’s to what writing is. Writing could be the idea of creating a reality that seems impossible, writing can also be the idea of putting one’s perspective in the forefront for people to critique. Writing could be compared to empathy in the sense of writing to create a better understand on an idea. Creating and writing from a perspective can help others better understand which formulates the idea of Empathy.
The biggest value of empathy, the bigger picture entirely is world peace. The thought that if every human being could empathize with others will mean that everyone could understand each other. Everyone would have an idea of how it feels to be in someone else’s shoes. To have an idea of why they react to certain situations the way they do. To understand and broaden one’s own perspective, to elevate the mind to see things from a different point of view.