Scientist people believe that drug addiction is an chemical imbalance in the brain, that is cause by people selfish. New evidence has shown that the reason for this rise of drug addiction is based on the environment and circumstances drug addicts are put into. Some use drugs for emotional stability and a way to enhance their ability whilst some use it for physical guidance with pain.
One of the many ways people use drugs is for emotional dependence based on their feelings of loneliness or escape from the realities of the world. Szalavitz (2016) writes “Heroin provides a sense of comfort, safety and love”(ph. ). Szalavitz highlights the fact that heroin is a coping mechanism for the emotions that is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. To be in a constant state of feeling alone, not comfortable, and unloved is to drive someone to the brinks of insanity. Heroin is used almost like how people use chocolate or alcohol as a sense of cheering up when feeling down. Szalavitz highlights this idea by stating “People with addiction just need to learn how to redirect it”(2016, ph. ). She highlights that yes drug addiction is a disease and that peop
This body paragraph is terrible. 🙂
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Scientist people believe that drug addiction is an chemical imbalance in the brain, that is cause by people selfish. THIS IS A GREAT THEY SAY, BUT I’M NOT SURE YOU WANT TO SAY SCIENTIST PEOPLE? ADDITIONALLY, THE TENSE HERE IS INCORRECT- IS CAUSED
New evidence has shown that the reason for this rise of drug addiction is based on the environment and circumstances drug addicts are put into. EXCELLENT
Some use drugs for emotional stability and a way to enhance their ability whilst some use it for physical guidance with pain. WHAT IS THIS SENTENCE DOING? YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR THEY SAY, I SAY, AND REASONS, SO WHAT IS THIS SENTENCE FOR?
One of the many ways people use drugs is for emotional dependence based on their feelings of loneliness or escape from the realities of the world. A BIT WORDY– PEOPLE USE DRUGS BECAUSE…
Szalavitz (2016) writes “Heroin provides a sense of comfort, safety and love”(ph. ).CHECK THE CITATION HERE– P. #?
Szalavitz highlights the fact that heroin is a coping mechanism for the emotions that is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. To be in a constant state of feeling alone, not comfortable, and unloved is to drive someone to the brinks of insanity. Heroin is used almost like how people use chocolate or alcohol as a sense of cheering up when feeling down. Szalavitz highlights this idea by stating “People with addiction just need to learn how to redirect it”(2016, ph. ). YOU’RE DOING A GREAT JOB HERE OF EXPLAINING THE ARTICLE’S EVIDENCE AND ELABORATING ON THE USE OF HEROIN FOR COMFORT– NEXT STEP WOULD BE TO REFLECT ON ANOTHER ARTICLE’S MENTION OF COMFORT FROM DRUGS AND EVALUATE THAT ARTICLE’S EVIDENCE…
She highlights that yes drug addiction is a disease and that peop–TO BE CONTINUED?