The above link is written by an writer calledĀ Echo Montgomery Garrett. She is a well accomplished author who has writing several pieces for the New York times, women magazines and business magazine. She also spent 30 plus years in journalism.
In this article Echo Montgomery Garret highlights the benefits that doctors have on dispensing drugs to their patients. The profits way more from dispensing drugs to their patient due to contract with the drug company. Although in many cases doctors are not authorize to dispense drugs directly they’ve managed to find a loop hole were they can dispense the drug for only 72 hours and benefit way more than the pharmacists.
1 reply on “Benefits of dispensing drugs”
What the heck!? So basically doctors are illegally prescribing drugs LEGALLY because of a loophole? Could this be a reason why there’s an increase in Opioid use? Thanks for the info on Echo. I’d be curious to hear if there are any comments on this article that dispute the claims made here. I’d also be curious to hear if this is a recent trend related to ACA OR if this is something doctors have been doing forever.