
Credible Article: How do cartels get drugs into the US?

The link above will connect you to newspaper article “How do cartels get drugs into the US?” Drug overdose in the U.S. is a big problem.  Annually it kills more people than car or gun accidents. Many of these illegal drugs keep coming from overseas. There is a discussion going on about the idea of building the wall on the south border with Mexico. Some politicians think that this wall will help us to reduce the amount of illegal drugs that are smuggled into the U.S. territory. This article provides information about large volume of cocaine traffic on the south borders and explains the ways of how illegal drugs are delivered into our country. However it does not blame any political party or leader for passive actions. The article was published on  or British Broadcasting Corporation that is the one of the most trustful and world’s oldest broadcasting organizations.  Four experts shared their views on the problem. Three of them represent the U.S. Government services and another one is the Associate Professor at Yale University.

1 reply on “Credible Article: How do cartels get drugs into the US?”

How fascinating! I wonder if there’s a way you can challenge this article by using the historical account of Canada in Hari’s piece. Do you think you’ll pursue this topic for your literature review? The problem of international drug trafficking? I’d be interesting in hearing WHY this is such a huge problem– or if there’s a specific reason why drug traffickers choose the states. Is there an economic set up here that makes it easier to sell drugs? Great info for all here, thanks!

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