The writer of Chasing the Scream highlights the correlation between drug use, mental conditions and loneliness. The writer highlights the experimentation done by Bruce and Gabor on rats. The experiment concluded one’s reasoning as humans to use drugs. The results showed that rats were most likely to use drugs when they were alone in comparison to when they were with other rats. “There was nothing for them to do but to take drugs” said the experimenter while also stating “An isolated rat will almost always be a junkie.” Bruce and Gabor experiment highlighted the idea of rats not having anything else to turn to other than drugs. The experiment also highlighted how crucial mental conditions had on drug use. ” Miserable people will seek altered mental states to numb the pain” while also stating “Humans seem to have evolved with a deep need to bond, because it was absolutely essential to staying alive.” This overall showed the linkage between drug use and ones mental condition. The experiment highlighted the fact that us as human being needs to feel a bond in order to be secure. Most of the people who were addicted to drugs felt alone. The people who were addicted essentially just wanted an idea of self and connection. They connected with something that was essential stable, they could do drugs when they wanted and not be disappointed because it was always something the could have purchased or stolen. The chapter essentially highlighted that when not lonely people turned to drugs as an escape from reality.