
Tenure Body Paragraph – Extra Credit

Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. The purpose of tenure was to improve the education system but in reality it is hurting it. Wetherbe (2013) writes that, “Professors’ reluctance to use technology to revamp the way they teach is understandable; tenured professors, of course, don’t have to.” For this reason, having tenured professors limits the students’ access to new and improved course opportunities. While tenure is protecting professors from losing their jobs, it is also protecting them from having to update the way that they teach as the years go on and technology continues to play bigger roles in our society. This limitation can hinder the future of the students by not preparing them to keep up with the modernized world where everything revolves around technology.


Extra Credit: Body paragraph

Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. When a tenured teachers gets hired for a position in a school they immediately gains this sort of protection which doesn’t allow them to get fired. This protection prevents schools from getting rid of old teachers or teachers that teach outdated material.  This information is seen in Wetherbe because he states how tenured teachers can only teach specific material making it difficult to adapt to new trends or allowing students to receive a more modern kind of education. Also present in   Frederickson  because he argues that not enough money is being spent on education-related tasks which serves as an impediment to students. Since not enough money is being spent on education-related tasks, students don’t really have a choice but to deal with what they have and most of the time what they have is old preventing them from learning the new trends that may be beneficial to their future/ career.


Third Body Paragraph for Extra Credit (Given another try)

Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. Tenure is a rigid system that is supposed to improve the institutions of education, but does not help universities at all. To support this claim, another study “The Trouble with Tenure” Bruni (2014) states that “Tenure provides no accountability to actual student outcomes. It’s the classic driver of, ‘I taught it, they didn’t learn it, not my problem.” This is credible because it shows how the lifelong contracts tenure has created has made it difficult for both the student and the instructor to learn and teach a new way. For example, a written lesson plan done by a professor can be taught in their own way while following the lesson plan, but if it’s a lesson plan that has never gotten new and updated information then it just makes the student another victim in learning a down-graded level. In order to improve the education for students, professors need the access to new trends that will help the students learn more effectively rather than just listening to a lecture. The information should stick into us the students in a way that we would not forget, but if professors are stuck with the contracts of an ineffective tenure that does not allow them to teach in a certain way then how does the department of education expect to improve the education system. We might as well say that it is pointless to have an education system because tenure should not be about the quote mentioned above, rather it should care for the way students conceive information so that they can learn and study in a more cohesive way.


Extra Credit – Conclusion (Last Power Point Slides)

Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. In fact, this makes professors question the tenure that they do receive because their adapted to contracts that make them have to follow a certain way of teaching. Perhaps, informing the Department of Education that learning about the new technology and advances that we have in today’s world can help our instructors feel more beneficial being under tenure because their passion is to teach a new and better way not just being adapted to the same old, same old trends knowing is new generations.


Tenure Conclusion

Tenure is not a suitable solution for bettering college education because it limits the modernization and quality of education that students receive and it fails to show that tenured professors teach more than other professors.  In fact, there is not sufficient evidence that proves that a tenured professor is a better teacher than an non-tenured one.  Perhaps the purpose of tenure isn’t to enhance education, but more of an excuse for professors to use to secure their job for their own benefit.



Tenure is not an effective solution to prevent teachers and educators from being unprofessionally  fired, and it can also hinder the delivery of quality education to students. In fact, there was much research done to support the ineffectiveness of tenure being an effective solution. Perhaps  adjuncts should be encouraged to solve the problem of a poor delivery system and unprotected educators.


Conclusion of Tenure

Making it hard to fire teachers is what tenures was suppose to do. Instead tenure had made the system too rigid causing colleges to fail in modernization and ability to hire more qualified professors. In fact a lot of studies for tenure comes from an Association that benefits from tenure. The studies can be seen as not credible since it comes from a bias source. Perhaps we should be investigating the benefits of adjunct professors and how they benefit the educational system.



Tenure’s purpose in providing professors with immunity against unfair firing has become more problematic. Tenure’s expenses can force colleges ability to provide beneficial courses and modernize for quality education. In fact,  tenure does not only limit the college’s ability to modernize the way they teach but limit non tenure professors from providing new demanded courses . Perhaps increasing tenure professors increase the unemployment rate within graduate students for their lack of new courses required by employers.


Sample Conclusion

Tenure limits quality education for students and causes professors to teach more outdated material. In fact, research shows that neither colleges nor students benefits from tenured professors. Adjunct professors, which usually makes up most of a college’s teaching staff, also does not benefit from tenure. Perhaps colleges don’t realize the impact of having tenured professors has on their adjunct professors.



Tenure proves to be problematic and has no benefits over schools or its students. In fact, tenure gets in the way of hiring newly qualified instructors and students do not get the quality education they are paying for. Perhaps if tenure is altered or even eliminated, there will be modern courses offered in the interests of new students, and will provide more opportunities for more teachers.