Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. When a tenured teachers gets hired for a position in a school they immediately gains this sort of protection which doesn’t allow them to get fired. This protection prevents schools from getting rid of old teachers or teachers that teach outdated material. This information is seen in Wetherbe because he states how tenured teachers can only teach specific material making it difficult to adapt to new trends or allowing students to receive a more modern kind of education. Also present in Frederickson because he argues that not enough money is being spent on education-related tasks which serves as an impediment to students. Since not enough money is being spent on education-related tasks, students don’t really have a choice but to deal with what they have and most of the time what they have is old preventing them from learning the new trends that may be beneficial to their future/ career.
Author: katherine roa
Tenure has, over the years, turned out to be a limitation factor which deprives students from receiving a proper education. In fact, the value of tenure has decreased when it comes to its credibility and purpose, now it is seen as a restriction to the quality education of students. Perhaps if more money was spent on education based tasks tenure would increase the quality of learning for students.
credible article: gentrification
In this article, Moss classifies gentrification that is occurring in New York as hyper-gentrification. He defines it as the change that comes from city government in collaboration with large corporations. The poor, working and middle classes are pushed out, along with artists. This article creates new options to save our city and return it back to how it was before these corporations decided to come and ruin the little good things we had.
Practice Literature Review
Veterans in “Veterans Face Greater Risks Amid Opioid Crisis” and “A Growing Number Of Veterans Struggles To Quit Powerful Painkillers” say they use opioid as a way to cope with their chronic pain which in the long run results in addiction. Whereas scientists argue that “addiction is a learning disorder, a difference in the wiring of the brain that affects the way we process information about motivation, reward and punishment. And, as with many learning disorders, addictive behavior is shaped by genetic and environmental influences over the course of development” (SZALAVITZ, 2016, p. 2). Although it may seem impossible to end addiction there are other methods to control it.
Veterans came to fall into addiction due to the excess prescriptions to opiate as “painkillers”. According to Lawrence (2014), during wartime, doctors and medics needed to treat troops for pain, and often used prescription opiates to solve that problem. This caused an abuse of prescribed drugs. Maybe if doctors were to think of other methods of painkillers which were not drugs then the percentage of veterans addicted to these opioids would be much lower.
Article post
The Opioid epidemic has been proven to be the worst drug crisis in history. According to the Jennifer Medina(2017) from the article Inside a Killer Drug Epidemic(p. 6), “All of us have some real impulse control problems, That’s why we’re drug addicts.” Many of those who have fallen into addiction have tried to get help to overcome their addiction but they just can’t manage to stand the withdrawal. This is mainly one of the reasons why this epidemic has only been increasing. The difficulty addicts have to get treatment and get help has contributed to the lack of support that these people need to overcome addiction.
Chasing The Dream Summary
In chapter 13 of the excerpt Chasing the Dream, the author begins talking about an experiment he had seen being conducted on rats which to him at first seemed “intriguing” but he is able to experience on his own later on. Johann tests out a few theories he has on the concept of addiction and what may be the cause of it. One of the many examples he uses is a “rat park” in which he creates two different environment for two sets of rats, one filled with everything a rat could dream of and the other environment was just a lonesome rat. through this experiment he was able to determine that the environment of a person plays a huge part on their addiction because the person filled with wheels and other rats barely touched the morphine yet the rat which was by itself consumed a lot of the morphine. He also tested the effect of addiction on the soldiers from Vietnam which ended up having a completely different outcome then expected. Through these experiments he was able to see that many of those who were weak were a result of a bad childhood. Having a bad childhood prevents people from being able to form a healthy relationship with other people hence being prone to a life of loneliness and being able to get addicted faster/ easier. Johann says that if the rats and soldiers could not get out of this world physically they would get out mentally which is why they resulted to drugs, to get away from the pain. He also addresses a very important point when he says the problem is not the people but the culture, there needs to be ways to make a “social recovery”.
Credible Post: A drug to Cure Fear
The link above is going to take you to an article which will probably change your perceptive on drugs. In this article he addresses the posibility that the drug propranolol can decrease the fear a person may have and studies he has done prove his theory right. The author Richard A. Friedman is a professor of clinical psychiatry and the director of the psychopharmacology clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. He has done intense research on depression and treatments of mood. You can find out more info about him https://www.nytimes.com/column/richard-a-friedman . He published this article through the New York Times which is a well known newspaper known for being credible.
TedTalk: 3 ways to speak English
In Jamila Lyiscott’s: 3 ways to speak English she is trying to make a point by stating that she is ” articulate” . She says she is “a tri-lingual orator” because she has different ways of speaking in a classroom, at home, and when she is with friends. It is so important that she is able to speak these three languages because she is able to challenge these stereotypes of her broken down English by proving that she can also speak properly. This goes back to the idea of her being articulate since she is able to be understood in whichever environment she is put in. This is an important thing to Jamila because she stresses being understood so much and she hopes to break through the ignorance of people. So when she says “Yes, I have decided to treat all three of my languages as equals because I’m ‘articulate” she decides to incorporate all three of her languages as they each have their own rules and can each be seen as proper.
I strongly believe empathy and writing have a lot more in common than people give it credit for. To understand empathy you have to think outside the box and be able to explore other perspectives. For example, there are two different types of empathy: cognitive and emotional empathy. We tend to appeal more to the emotional empathy when writing because when someone writes they “connect” with what they are writing and they put a lot of emotion and feelings into what they say. Therefore, I can say that the value of Empathy is important when it comes to being able to connect to other people and it is basically like lending a helping hand. Empathy allows us to be considerate and just basically to feel emotions, it is the empathy we have that prevents us from being cold-hearted and allows us to care about other people. Without it, I can advocate that the world would be wayy different and not in a good way.