
Third Body Paragraph for Extra Credit (Given another try)

Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. Tenure is a rigid system that is supposed to improve the institutions of education, but does not help universities at all. To support this claim, another study “The Trouble with Tenure” Bruni (2014) states that “Tenure provides no accountability to actual student outcomes. It’s the classic driver of, ‘I taught it, they didn’t learn it, not my problem.” This is credible because it shows how the lifelong contracts tenure has created has made it difficult for both the student and the instructor to learn and teach a new way. For example, a written lesson plan done by a professor can be taught in their own way while following the lesson plan, but if it’s a lesson plan that has never gotten new and updated information then it just makes the student another victim in learning a down-graded level. In order to improve the education for students, professors need the access to new trends that will help the students learn more effectively rather than just listening to a lecture. The information should stick into us the students in a way that we would not forget, but if professors are stuck with the contracts of an ineffective tenure that does not allow them to teach in a certain way then how does the department of education expect to improve the education system. We might as well say that it is pointless to have an education system because tenure should not be about the quote mentioned above, rather it should care for the way students conceive information so that they can learn and study in a more cohesive way.

1 reply on “Third Body Paragraph for Extra Credit (Given another try)”

Thanks Shakira, I have added extra credit on bb. as an FYI- something is credible because of the validity of the evidence– if the evidence comes from a reputable source, or if it comes from a well-known researcher, or if the institution from which the source comes from is one that people recognize as objective. Careful when saying something is credible that you give reasons like the ones I’ve mentioned here. What you have in this paragraph isn’t about credibility but your own opinion on the topic. I understand it might seem effective to say something is credible because you agree, but in fact that has no relevance in a literature review. It’s all about is it credible because of WHO wrote it, WHERE it comes from, and HOW the claims are proven.

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