Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. Tenure is a rigid system that is supposed to improve the institutions of education, but does not help universities at all. To support this claim, another study “The Trouble with Tenure” Bruni (2014) states that “Tenure provides no accountability to actual student outcomes. It’s the classic driver of, ‘I taught it, they didn’t learn it, not my problem.” This is credible because it shows how the lifelong contracts tenure has created has made it difficult for both the student and the instructor to learn and teach a new way. For example, a written lesson plan done by a professor can be taught in their own way while following the lesson plan, but if it’s a lesson plan that has never gotten new and updated information then it just makes the student another victim in learning a down-graded level. In order to improve the education for students, professors need the access to new trends that will help the students learn more effectively rather than just listening to a lecture. The information should stick into us the students in a way that we would not forget, but if professors are stuck with the contracts of an ineffective tenure that does not allow them to teach in a certain way then how does the department of education expect to improve the education system. We might as well say that it is pointless to have an education system because tenure should not be about the quote mentioned above, rather it should care for the way students conceive information so that they can learn and study in a more cohesive way.
Author: Shakira De La Cruz
Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. In fact, this makes professors question the tenure that they do receive because their adapted to contracts that make them have to follow a certain way of teaching. Perhaps, informing the Department of Education that learning about the new technology and advances that we have in today’s world can help our instructors feel more beneficial being under tenure because their passion is to teach a new and better way not just being adapted to the same old, same old trends knowing is new generations.
Tenure has made it difficult for students to actually learn important studies and information. In fact, due to the ineffectiveness that it has on students it tends to downgrade the level of learning that a student should be capable of. Perhaps, distributing the way that each individual student should learn would most likely help the way tenure has been processed.
Extra Credit due 5/1
After reading an online article titled “Cuomo Proposes Free Tuition at New York State Colleges for Eligible Students” I am highly shocked to know that there is a proposal to make college tuition free for New York City (NYC). I believe that education should be free, so this is something that I rule for it makes me happy to know that there are actually people out there trying to make a difference for the students in the CUNY and SUNY systems. Based on this article, it gave me a reason to believe in Hope again for the people who are trying their best to graduate college all across the world. This is something that should happen because is something that we should all be aware of in order to make it better for the education of the students that work hard in order to become a better human being in life and create their own path to make it for themselves and their family. This is something that should matter especially to the government who is supposedly the ones who are trying to make things better for students who are in so much poorness. Hopefully, the proposal that Andrew C. is trying to do actually happens because there are many democrats who just say things just to say it, without actually caring for the knowledge students for higher education should actually get. They keep so many things in secret that one never knows what they should believe, which is something really depressing, but hey that’s the government.
Extra Credit
The proposal given to students in terms of education for African Americans is something that I approve of and believe that is something that should be spoken of. Education is key and the majority of people, well the racial group that is mostly in debt in education is “Black” people. They are the ones who are in debt statistic wise they owe $50,000 or more. According to The Racial Disparity of the Student-Loan Crisis written by The Atlantic, is said to be given facts. This is something that the government don’t even take into consideration because they are the ones who need the most help when it comes down to after graduating from their four year college.
This article defines gentrification as “a process of neighborhood change involving the migration of wealthier residents into poorer neighborhoods and increased economic investment” (Ordway, 2014). In other words, slowly moving out the poor out of their affordable housing in order to make it more into a middle-class environment. This article states that things will be better for certain environments if the area is gentrified. This article makes me want to know more about if this is something that is institutionalized as far as is something that actually wealthier people want to do in order to change and improve poor communities.https://journalistsresource.org/studies/economics/real-estate/gentrification-urban-displacement-affordable-housing-overview-research-roundup
Overcoming addiction
It is very difficult to overcome an addiction. The hardest part for an addict is actually to recover from their addiction. Within their recovery, addicts tend to face many problems while trying to stop their addiction. For example, in The New York Times article, Szalavitz (2016) affirms that “her brain had been chemically, hijacked by drugs, leaving no control over a chronic, progressive disease” (p.1). The severe pain that drug abusers go through when they aren’t taking any drugs is a struggling process. Another example, is acknowledged in “A Growing Number of Veterans Struggles to Quit Powerful Painkillers” by Lawrence (2014). This author examines different types of pain that veterans were going through, while they were trying to quit their addiction. In the articles “Veterans Face Greater Risks Amid Opioid Crisis” Childress (2016) also implies the many problems that drug users go through. Overcoming addiction comes with more than just quitting; therefore, one must be patient and determine to actually recover from drug abuse.
Dependency on drugs can lead to many consequences. According to Szalavitz (2016) addiction is a learning disorder. She states that “drugs affects the way we process information about motivation, reward, and punishment” (p.2). In other words, being addicted to drugs can take over your body to the point where you feel that the drugs are actually something you need to survive because you have no control over this disease. She informs us in the many problems that she had to face while dealing with heroin. Some of these problems were overdosing, getting arrested, being suspended from school, and having visible scars from the injections of heroin she used, which always reminded her about her addiction. This shows how much of a difficult process it is to overcome an addiction. The lack of having a “normal brain” due to an addiction made her go through things that turned out to distract her “real world” forgetting about her real motivation in life because she was more focused on her pleasure.
To follow up with the fact that recovering from drug addiction is a difficult process, Lawrence (2014) states that a veteran Bryan McDonel during his third and fourth day of not having any pills his back was hurting like hell and he was feeling real sick (para.18). This lead him to think of hurting himself because he couldn’t deal with the physical pain that he had to go through. Bryan’s immune system was so adapted to drugs that the dependency on it hurt him more to stop the use of the drugs than actually consuming it. The withdrawal process is something that he couldn’t deal with, but this is some of the problems that addicts have to face when recovering from drug addiction. Yes, drug addiction comes with many consequences and this is something Bryan learned the hard way.
The struggle for overcoming a drug addiction is something that many people face. Childress (2016) explains how many veterans suffered from depression and chronic pain. She felt that the things drug addicts had to go through had to been dealt with in one way or another. At least in this article, this author speaks on how we should do something to help addicts overcome their addiction in a better way. I agree with this because no one should go through so much pain emotionally, physically, and mentality in order to recover from an addiction. As she states, they should be taught to practice relaxation techniques, mindfulness and physically therapy. I believe this would be very helpful to those that are struggling through their addiction process.
After all, overcoming addiction can be something not many have the patience to do, but it is important to do so. Addicts go through severe pain just to overcome their addiction and this is something we should all become aware of in order to have less drug abusers in this world.
The opioid drug crisis has damaged our public health and public safety issues. Drug abuse has always been a challenge for this country and it seems that we are not doing anything to prevent the worsening of this situation. For example, Linda Saunders Paquette (2016) points out to us that “addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disease” (p. 5). In other words, addiction is something that can destroy our way of thinking and the way we see reality, due to having this addiction as a disease that is effecting our brain on a daily basis. The easy access of drugs has also caused many deaths. Overdose deaths occurs once an addict gets there hand on a certain drug that they crave more than their normal treatment (Gatsas, 2016). These two examples both support how damaged our public health and public safety is. This is both hurting the community and people lives because they are deteriorating themselves and the environment that they live in.
Blog Post #2
In the article “Chasing The Scream” Bruce Alexander informs us on how much our environment can shape our compulsions in regards to drugs. Bruce states that “addiction isn’t a disease. Addiction is an adaptation. It’s not you but it’s the cage you live in.” In other words, it depends on the environment that you are surrounded by that will make you addicted to something, such as drugs. This shows that our desire to do drugs doesn’t come from the drug itself, but from where we grow up. Bruce also stated that the drug is not what causes the harmful behavior, but the environment does. For instance, he did an experiment on rats. One group of rats were isolated with nothing in their cage just a bottle of water and a bottle of morphine. The other group had these two bottles as well, but they had things to play with like colored balls, wheels, and good food. Bruce referred to this as “Rat Park”. It turns out that the rats in “Rat Park” didn’t consume as much morphine as the rats that were isolated. This proves how they chose to spend their lives doing other things, despite having the drug there for them. Being able to have a better environment seemed to reduce the need of wanting to use the drug.
Bruce also states in the article that “a happy social environment freed the rats of their addiction.” Now, in terms of human beings, being surrounded by drug users will determine how much you will consume. For example, if every day you surround yourself with people who are addicted to heroin with nothing else to do in their life, then most likely you will become an addict as well because now you are expose to it. Now, if you’re surrounded by people that are actually doing things for their lives such as working, going to school, or just doing productive things, this will most likely make you want to do the same. In other words, an addict can’t persuade you or make you crave the drugs, maybe you will try the drug once out of the blue, but this doesn’t mean that you are addicted to it. After all, is not as much pressure or force for a person to do drugs that actually has a good environment surrounding them because they will see themselves adapting to a better addiction like activities, a hobby, or just something that wouldn’t harm them mentally, physically, and emotionally.
This above link is an article written by Llyod Sereder. The main idea of this article is the impact that Donald Trump’s health policies will have on individuals and communities that are affected by the use and abuse of drugs, especially opioids. The author states how he goes against “Trumpcare” due to the suffering that people will go through because he isn’t supporting the health system the way that he should and is destroying Obamacare.
Llyod Sereder is a chief medical officer of the NYS Office of Mental Health, professor at Columbia University School of Public Health, and he is a medical editor for mental health for the Huffington Post. He has written three books that are published and he has his own website.
This is a credible source because it comes from U.S. News A World Report. The author has his contact information and is well known. This is also a credible source because it gives us the date that it was published and the website is always being updated with current events.