Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. When a tenured teachers gets hired for a position in a school they immediately gains this sort of protection which doesn’t allow them to get fired. This protection prevents schools from getting rid of old teachers or teachers that teach outdated material. This information is seen in Wetherbe because he states how tenured teachers can only teach specific material making it difficult to adapt to new trends or allowing students to receive a more modern kind of education. Also present in Frederickson because he argues that not enough money is being spent on education-related tasks which serves as an impediment to students. Since not enough money is being spent on education-related tasks, students don’t really have a choice but to deal with what they have and most of the time what they have is old preventing them from learning the new trends that may be beneficial to their future/ career.
1 reply on “Extra Credit: Body paragraph”
Thanks Katherine- I’ve added extra credit points on bb. Just as an FYI– even when you paraphrase you want the (YEAR) right after. Additionally, I wondered if the first three sentences are essentially saying the same thing and you begin to elaborate on this point of adaptation in your Wetherbe paraphrase.