

This article defines gentrification as neighborhoods that once had low average household incomes and within the last recent years they have started to become high-income neighborhoods as rent has increased.  Warerkar used the State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods 2015 Report to show what neighborhoods have seen an increase in rent and are gentrifying.  The study categorized areas as gentrifying, non-gentrifying and high-income, so it makes me think about how much higher the rent is in the high-income neighborhoods in comparison to these other neighborhoods and how its affecting residents.

1 reply on “Gentrification”

RENT! that is a very specific topic and one that will present you with a lot of material. How is RENT impacted by a gentrifying neighborhood. You might look into real estate focused documents and/or marketing/business articles that talk about the way in which increase in investment means an increase in profit is NECESSARY and the way this often means low income folks have to figure out a way to BE more profitable, or leave!

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