

In the article “Gentrification in Changing Cities” Jackelyn Hwang  a PhD candidate in sociology and social policy highlights the relation between gentrification and the rise of immigration in changing our society. According to the article  “Gentrification—middle- and upper-class residents’ movement into and renewal of neighborhoods that had experienced disinvestment and decline” (As cite in Hwang 2015, p. 1). The article Uses crime data, surveys, and new gentrification measures in order to illustrate the impact on racial and ethnic changes to gentrification. Hwang notes that the rise in immigration increases the favorable characteristics in certain neighborhoods which eventually leads to gentrification. The article uses multiple researches to provide a credible source to support her claim on the connection between immigration and gentrification.

1 reply on “Gentrification”

Olivia, I’m so happy to see the attention your paying to the evidence used here. I’m a little unsure of there relationship immigration has to gentrification- but I wonder if immigrants could be defined more– anyone not born here? or generations of folks who were not born here? Are they part of the gentrified– or are they the ones gentrifying? Either way, I’m very excited about a lit review that investigates the problems in immigrant populations caused by gentrification.


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