Easy access to pain medications such as opioids has lead to drug addiction in America. This problem will continue to grow if a stoppage is not created to seek a more reliable source of treatment. In fact this is true because doctors are willingly over prescribing pain medications to individuals, that in the long run will lead to greater struggles.
Americans depend on drugs in order to deal with chronic pain, but this has negatively According to Quil Lawerance (2014) “Everything under the sun, from Adderall to Percocet to hydrocodone, oxycodone, you name it,” Mike says. ” ‘My knee is hurting.’ ‘Well here, here you go.’ Well, several of them got dependent. And I guess there’s that fine line between what’s dependency [and] what’s addiction.” In order to better the precautions used to cope with chronic pain, veterans need to take into consideration other sorts of therapy such as acupuncture, aqua therapy, pool therapy and physical therapy (para. 29).
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Easy access to pain medications such as opioids has lead to drug addiction in America. This problem will continue to grow if a stoppage is not created to seek a more reliable source of treatment. In fact this is true because doctors are willingly over prescribing pain medications to individuals, that in the long run will lead to greater struggles. EXCELLENT- SO DOES THIS MEAN YOU’RE INTERESTED IN LOOKING AT THE WAYS DOCTORS OVERPRESCRIBE?
Americans depend on drugs in order to deal with chronic pain, but this has negatively ? NOT SURE WHAT THE END OF THIS SENTENCE IS SUPPOSED TO BE.
According to Quil Lawerance (2014) “Everything under the sun, from Adderall to Percocet to hydrocodone, oxycodone, you name it,” Mike says. ” ‘My knee is hurting.’ ‘Well here, here you go.’ Well, several of them got dependent. And I guess there’s that fine line between what’s dependency [and] what’s addiction.” In order to better the precautions used to cope with chronic pain, veterans need to take into consideration other sorts of therapy such as acupuncture, aqua therapy, pool therapy and physical therapy (para. 29). GREAT, SO NOW YOU’D EVALUATE THIS QUOTE, EXPLAIN ITS RELATIONSHIP TO YOUR TOPIC SENTENCE, EXPLAIN HOW LAWRENCE IS ABLE TO PROVE THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF CHRONIC PAIN TREATMENT AND THEN LINK IT TO ANOTHER ARTICLE THAT TALKS ABOUT THE SAME IDEA.