
MEAL summary on Ted Talks

In Jamila Lyiscott’s essay, Broken English, she states that even though she is being described as an articulate person, a person who has no problem pronouncing things, she still speaks in three different ways. For instance, Lyiscott tells us that she speaks in a certain way with friends, another way with family and finally for the world, like in a classroom. When talking to your friend, it can be different versus on how you will talk to your family or in a classroom with people you might not know. For example, She demonstrates that she is articulate by responding to her friend “I just say, “I jus’ fall out wit dem people but I done!”, but in the classroom setting she says, “sometimes in class I might pause the intellectual sounding flow to ask, Yo! Why dese books neva be about my peoples.” Since Lyiscott lists that “I’m a tri-lingual orator”, she shows that she can speak in more than one language. In addition, when Lyiscott was speaking to the audience, she uses creative poetry, to communicate with them. There are not just three different languages that she can speak and how others can understand but rather how people can communicate with each other through different ways.

1 reply on “MEAL summary on Ted Talks”

Hi Wayne! What works: Your M sentence, E sentence that starts with for instance, and your analysis of the example. What needs work is how you jump from talking to a friend or someone you don’t know to “She is articulate.” I wasn’t sure how the two points were related– perhaps an Linking sentence is necessary here? Remember this for your summary exercise due on Wednesday!

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