Tenure’s purpose in providing professors with immunity against unfair firing has become more problematic. Tenure’s expenses can force colleges ability to provide beneficial courses and modernize for quality education. In fact, tenure does not only limit the college’s ability to modernize the way they teach but limit non tenure professors from providing new demanded courses . Perhaps increasing tenure professors increase the unemployment rate within graduate students for their lack of new courses required by employers.
1 reply on “Conclusion”
Olivia– your in fact and perhaps sentences are great- I really like the idea of connecting unemployment to tenure/non-tenure professors. I’m a little iffy on your first and second sentence– first, I think you’re misusing the verb force. Tenure’s expenses does not force a college’s ability– it can limit a college’s ability or prevent a college from doing something. Second, the paper isn’t really about immunity against unfair firing– that is what we start our INTRO with, but I don’t think it’s a necessary part of the conclusion. Focus on presenting what you do spend time elaborating on.