

Drugs has spread out in the United States Of America.According to Bossman (2017), some addicts have boldly come out to share their story of how drugs has put them in certain situations. Katie is one of the people who were addicted to drugs. Katie did anything possible to buy drugs, she had sex with a lot of men and also stole her mother’s jewelries just for drugs. In the article she says “I haven’t even been doing enough to get really high,” she said. “I’m just maintaining myself so I don’t get sick” means even though she is an addict there are some limitations to her addiction by not getting sick which is one of her reasons for being on drugs.

1 reply on “DRUGS”

Your explanation of Katie’s testimony is great. What needs work is the unifying idea and your APA. Your examples all talk about addicts and the extremes they go to when addicted. Therefore, your COMMON IDEA SENTENCE should indicate this connection. Additionally, your APA should indicate the AUTHOR’s last name, no need to refer to the article, it is implied. Here’s an edited version: According to Bossman (2017), some addicts have boldly come out to share their story of how drugs has put them in certain situations.

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