Can You Get Over an Addiction? by Maia Szalavitz argues that addiction is shouldn’t be viewed as a moral problem or a progressive disease. Maia (2016) argues that addiction is “a learning disorder, a difference in the wiring of the brain that affects the way we process information about motivation, reward and punishment.” Which shows that addiction is not solely based on a chemical “hijack” of the brain rather than a difference in brain wiring. Maria explain that addiction can cause the brain to confuse essential priorities. For example “addiction occurs when these brain systems are focused on the wrong objects: a drug or self-destructive behavior like excessive gambling instead of a new sexual partner or a baby.” In Maria’s case, heroin provided a sense of relief, comfort and love that seemed essential by her brain rather than focusing on engaging in a relationship. Maria notes that understanding addiction can lead to a higher recovery and lead to a more profound treatment.
Maria Szalavitz argues that empathetic treatments can lead to higher recovery from addiction. Maria (2016) argue that” If addiction is like misguided love, then compassion is a far better approach than punishment” which allows the drug user to feel accepter and becomes able to overcome addiction and cop. Maria explains that twelve step programs tend to success with “only a minority of addicted people.” for example “ most treatment available in rehab facilities involves instruction in prayer, surrender to a higher power, confession and restitution prescribed by the steps…,people with other learning disorders aren’t pushed to apologize for their past behavior, nor are those affected by schizophrenia or depression.” hence empathy can provide a sense of understanding as in dealing with a “broken heart” rather than a chemical hijack.