A spike in overdose emergency calls is seen in Kentucky by Christine Hauser
This link above will link you to the New York Times article about the increase in overdose 911 calls in Kentucky. This article is about the crazy amounts of emergency calls due to overdose. They received almost 2 calls per hour in a span of 32 hours. From the early hours on feb 9 until the morning of feb 10th, officials report getting the most calls this year.
I think it is crazy that instead of getting help for people that are dying from a car accident or something that wasn’t intentional, doctors and emts are responding to drug overdose from people who buy antibiotics online without rx chose to do this to themselves. “The C.D.C. says that 91 people in the United States die every day from opioid overdose.” 100 people die every day from just opium.
This source is credible because it comes from a well known newspaper The New York Times. It has been published in New York since September 18, 1851. They also have over 1000 people editing and checking everything that they put out. The New York Times has also won 117 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news paper.
1 reply on “credible source- drug”
Wow, I never considered the impact drug addiction was having on the first responders of the world. Interesting problem to pursue further! Also, thanks for the info on the TIMES. I did not know they had 1000 people editing all of their pieces. Can you imagine?