
Chasing the Scream Summary

In Batman’s Bad Call, an excerpt from “Chasing the Scream” by Johann Hari, the author emphasizes that addiction is caused by a person’s necessity to fill their life with some type of meaning, as opposed to the chemical bond that is found within the drugs. A major example that Hari mentions is the Rat Park experiment created by Bruce Alexander to test this theory. Bruce compares the results of the experiment to the soldiers that served during the Vietnam War. In both cases, the subjects were, at one point, heavily reliant on the drug when they felt very much alone. However, when the person or creature was reintroduced to society their bond with the drug was diminished significantly, if not completely severed. He argues that the core reason that a person will live their life in addiction is due to their need to fill a void. Hari highlights Bruce’s theory that “the rats in solitary confinement and the soldiers in Vietnam weren’t being “hijaked” by the chemicals at hand.” Instead, it is the fact that the person is alone in their society that causes them to fall to the addiction and become a part of a society of the neglected. Hari defines addiction as “the psychological state of feeling you need the drug to give you the sensation of feeling calmer, or manic, or numbed, or whatever it does for you.” Hari uses Bruce’s results from his rat experiment to accentuate the importance of a healthy environment for people struggling with drug addiction.

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