
writing and empathy

-How are writing and empathy similar?

Empathy is used as a tool to help us understand and have good idea of certain situations. As we do in writing, we are given a topic and within that topic a person must gather information that can help them come up with multiple solutions to discuss and to write about. When a person has empathy for someone it means they fully have enough knowledge to understand where that certain individual is coming from, thus this is similar to writing because we must be able to fully understand and have a general understanding of the problem given to be able to write about the topic.

-What is the value of empathy?

Empathy is important because it helps us to be able to brainstorm ideas and come up with solutions to any problem presented. It is good to have empathy for others because it allows individuals to be able to talk to someone and have their full attention, like a shoulder to lean on. No matter what the situation is being able to stop and think about others feelings and circumstances is hard considering how focused we are on ourselves.

1 reply on “writing and empathy”

You make such a poignant point about us being so focused on ourselves. How can we train ourselves to look at the other side? Or, how can we condition ourselves to look at the experiences we have from another person’s perspective? Writing is a tool to help us do this, but it certainly isn’t the easiest thing to do.

I’d like you to review two grammatical concepts– parallelism and article usage. When you write “to discuss and write about” you actually have two different types of phrases and in a list like this, you want to have parallelism— “to discuss and TO write about.” Additionally, when you’re focusing on ONE particular idea, you need an article– “A good idea.”

I’d also like you to work on delivering concrete examples to support the very good claims you make. When you write empathy helps us brainstorm ideas– I wanted a specific example to see if I truly did understand what you were saying.

I’m looking forward to hearing more from you!

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