
The opioid Epidemic Crisis

In an article printed in January of 2017 by the New York Times Editorial Board, the epidemic of opioids are discussed; but highlights an individual’s breakthrough. The editorial board of the New York Times declared that Katie Harvey, 24 years old,an heroin addict for three years stated, ” I need to go to detox”, Katie discussed with her mother. The article states that Katie had been to detox eight times before. This is Katie’s First time going on her own, states the editorial board. I gather from this information that a personal decision to get help is a more effective decision. A decision  that comes from within with produce better outcomes. Katie sought help eight times, that with the influence of others.Katie is getting detox help this time because she chose to. Acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step to a acquiring a solution.

1 reply on “The opioid Epidemic Crisis”

Deirdre— you’re not actually doing what we discussed in class. Instead, this is a summary of the Times article. This assignment asked that you identify a common idea that both articles shared. I’d review your peers’ work to get a better sense of the assignment and revise this accordingly.

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