In Jamila Scott’s 3 Ways to Speak English, Scott argues that the English Language “is a multi faced orientation subject to indefinite transformation”. Scotts talks about the ways she communicates with others in the English language. At school, at home, and with friends Scott speaks in different “tongues”. Being able to speak in these tongues make Scott articulate because she is able to apply the rule of English depending on her setting. “So when my professor asks a question and my answer is tainted with a connotation of urbanized suggestion…” In this sentence Scott gives and example of how at school she speaks proper English as most would call it, but because she also speaks in her urban language she may confuse the two as well as as her “broken English”, the form of English she speaks at home with her parents. Scott’s poem is stating that there are many forms of the English not just one, and as a “professional”, she is no different from others who may speak one form of English but she is articulate because she can differentiate her English based on the environmental setting.
1 reply on “Jamila Scott : Tri-lingial”
You’ve got great examples here, but I’m not sure you’re actually proving your M sentence. This might be because your M sentence is partially a quote. I’d recommend having your main idea sentence be your own words. What is she saying when she talks about the English language as “multifaceted?”