
Credible: Prescription Drug Abuse New York Times

This article from The New York times is written by the editorial board,a credible source. I consider the New York Times to be a credible source because it is well known. The New York  Times was instituted for a reputable amount of time and is accountable for the articles it produces. This article on the rising epidemic on the abuse of prescription drugs, highlights the horrific but realistic consequences of this epidemic.

Prescription drugs (painkillers) are being abused in even greater numbers across the United States. The article states that the overdose of prescription drugs have claimed some 300,000 in the last 15 years,including some 33,000 in 2015 alone. This horrific outbreak doesn’t only affect the abuser of the drugs; but also those who are connected to them,for example,their families. The New York Times concluded that in the state of Pennsylvania last month,a couple died from overdose as a result of that their baby perished from starvation. The horrific consequences of prescription drugs are apparent nation wide and at a rapid growth. one main issue discussed in this article is the rise of children in need of  foster care. Due to the family’s dependency on the drugs, their ability to function normally is jeopardized. Dependency on these drugs leads sometimes to extreme parental neglect . In these instances the children have to be removed from the home. The safety of the child is first. Foster care comes in to play as a secondary solution, which logically causes a rise in the need of foster care services.

1 reply on “Credible: Prescription Drug Abuse New York Times”

Thank you for the main idea here, Deirdre! What you want to be mindful of is using specifics when claiming something is credible. Cite evidence, the bio of the author, the publication history of the paper, something that is more substantial than “it is credible because it is well-known.”

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